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End Of School Year

The end of the school year was very different this year thanks to Covid. Normally the last few weeks of the school term are spent in a flurry of activity – sports days, summer fetes, the school disco, leavers proms…. Not this year however.

It has been especially sad for me not to have the school summer fair. I always enjoy having a stand and shopping amongst the stalls. My children love the inflatables and filling themselves with sweets, cakes and pop. Is it just my children that come home with more soft toys than we donated?  Only to never to touch them again – until I try to donate them the following year that is!

We were very fortunate this year as we were still able to watch , if not participate, at the end-of-year sports day. Unfortunately for me, I put the wrong date in the diary and missed the reception-class’s sports day. Thankfully Little D did not actually notice I wasn’t there. My daughter in year 5 would not have been so laid back and would have noted my absence immediately. In-fact she spent the next five days making me repeat the time and date of her sports day to ensure I did not make the same mistake with her. You will be relieved to know I made it on time and watched her be the first girl to win two laps of the field race.

Despite my poor organisational skills, we made it fairly unscathed to the end of term.

Happy holiday everyone!!

  1. Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

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