Workshops are run differently to our normal classes. These are lessons that specifically target the well-known ‘tricky’ areas in each Key Stage. Often these encompass concepts that are built on over time, such as fractions and algebra, so a solid starting foundation is essential in ensuring continued understanding.
What are Workshops?
The children will be in small groups whilst a tutor leads the lesson. They will not be working on their individual tasks and will instead work together. It’s a great opportunity for the children to practise their inter-personal skills when it comes to problem solving – a skill that transcends the classroom! For our online students this means that the students will not be in breakout rooms and will instead be in a session together. After the concept has been explained the children will be given various tasks to complete as a group. The tasks are designed to be accessible to children of all academic abilities – each child will be able to make contributions to the team. Once the group tasks are completed the children will move onto the individual element of the workshops. Typically, the work is completed on booklets/print outs that the children can take home. They are themed and designed to be as engaging and fun! How are Workshops run?
Please click the workshop you would like to book in for on the timetables below. Please also select the centre you wish to book in with or alternatively you can book in for an online class! You are also welcome to book in when you are next in from tuition or to drop us a call/email/text. Members’ first session are free, with all subsequent sessions being £5. Non-member sessions are also charged at £5 a session. Members are welcome to bring a friend/sibling along to a workshop – for FREE! How do I book on?