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Tag: Adaptability

Maths Made Delicious

How Baking Can Help Children Love Numbers Why is it that children either love maths or treat it like the villain in a superhero movie? It’s either “Yay, algebra is great!” or “Why does maths even exist? I’m never using this after school!” For the children who enjoy it, maths

Cosy Learning This Winter

January and February—the frosty, grey months when it feels like winter will never end. The winds howl, the skies remain stubbornly cloudy, and sometimes, it seems like we’ll never see that orange ball in the sky again! Fear not, fellow winter warriors, because I’ve got a handful of tips to

Choosing a Secondary Shool

Choosing the Right Secondary School for Your Child It is that time of year again when those of us with children in Year Six must choose a secondary school for them. For many families, this is an exciting but also daunting experience. There are so many factors to consider: the