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Tag: well-being

Reading for Children and Adults: Unlocking Lifelong Benefits

In today’s world, where screens and endless information are always just a click away, reading has never been more important. Whether through physical or digital books, reading can take us to new places, expand our views, and help us grow mentally and emotionally. From children enjoying their first favourite story

Motherhood: Essential Rules for Life

Becoming a mum means you’ll eventually stumble across Mumsnet or Netmums—probably both. They’re where we all end up when we’re Googling everything from “baby won’t sleep” to “what’s that rash?” Netmums feels like a friendly, supportive hug, while Mumsnet is a bit more direct and opinionated, but both are packed

Learning Independently: How to Help Your Child Thrive

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, this generation faces an incredibly competitive job market due to globalisation, automation, artificial intelligence, and the uncertainty surrounding Brexit. We need to help our children become the best they can be, and the ability to embrace learning independently is one of the most valuable

Cosy Learning This Winter

January and February—the frosty, grey months when it feels like winter will never end. The winds howl, the skies remain stubbornly cloudy, and sometimes, it seems like we’ll never see that orange ball in the sky again! Fear not, fellow winter warriors, because I’ve got a handful of tips to

Switching On Christmas Mode!

The Christmas season is a time filled with joy, celebration, and togetherness, yet the question of when to officially kick off this festive period often sparks debate. Earlier this week, whilst driving to work, I came across not one, not two, but three houses already bedecked in Christmas gear. No