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Tag: tradition

Libraries: Use Them Or Lose Them!

The Vital Role of Local Libraries: Use them or lose them! Living in Kent, we are fortunate to have access to a wide range of local libraries that offer much more than just books. From Dartford Library, our nearest hub, to smaller branches like Fleetdown and Greenhithe Library, these community

Me and My Christmas Traditions

Ah, Christmas – that magical time of year when everything feels a little brighter, the food smells a little sweeter, and everyone gets a bit more festive. I’ve spoken quite a bit about Christmas. How can I not? It seems to dominate an entire quarter of the year! November is

Flu Season!!

The Flu Season Has Arrived Again The season has changed, bringing much colder weather, and with it, the inevitable arrival of flu season. It’s that time of year when we start thinking about how to protect ourselves and our families from the flu and other illnesses. I received an email

Get to Know Sana: Meal Planning!

Both me and Sam run this page, and sometimes we can seem like expressionless bots on the other side of a computer screen. In the spirit of getting to know us a little bit better, I’ve decided to do a monthly blog post about various aspects of my life. Today,

My TV Reviews!

TV Shows I Am Watching This Month I have been on a TV hiatus for the last few months. With the return to school and general life craziness, there just hasn’t been time to sit and watch. Recently, though, I’ve been sneaking in the odd hour or two, and here