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Tag: Storytelling

Identity, Tradition and Change: A Reflection on ‘Things Fall Apart’

Identity in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart is a defining theme that shapes both individual characters and the broader narrative. Achebe’s novel, first published in 1958, vividly portrays pre-colonial Igbo society and the seismic shifts brought by European colonisation. It explores identity, tradition, and resilience in the face of cultural

Reading for Children and Adults: Unlocking Lifelong Benefits

In today’s world, where screens and endless information are always just a click away, reading has never been more important. Whether through physical or digital books, reading can take us to new places, expand our views, and help us grow mentally and emotionally. From children enjoying their first favourite story

My TV Reviews!

TV Shows I Am Watching This Month I have been on a TV hiatus for the last few months. With the return to school and general life craziness, there just hasn’t been time to sit and watch. Recently, though, I’ve been sneaking in the odd hour or two, and here